Monday, January 31, 2011

Pearls as a "Classy"-fier

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One Outfit+Minor Changes=
Completely Different Feel

 Shopping Around Town with Mama & Alexandra
You'll see that I wore the EXACT same outfit in these photos. What I changed was very minor but truly differentiates the creations. 
Here I wore my black frames, my hair in a pony tail, and simple music note necklace to pull in the teal from my skirt. I wanted a relaxed but sassy shopping outfit, and that's what I've created here.

 A Day in the Office
Regardless of how hysterically my step dad laughed at me for this creation and his sheer amazement that I love this look, I rocked the same outfit at work. BIGGEST CHANGE: I've added my Pink Pearls (compliments of my wonderful Aunt & Uncle from China!!!) to "classy"-fy this creation. I've also chosen to put my contacts in (for once) and pull my hair back into a slick but deceiving look.... Here's why.....

All I did was make two tiny buns to break up the monotony of pulled back hair. The best part about this style is the fact that, from the front, you can't tell that I actually "pig-tailed" it. Score One for my inner child!

Explore those same ol' outfits. Adding pearls, whether they are real or fake, will almost always "CLASSY"-FY any creation your heart desires.



Bobbi said...

Loved the way you changed the outfit today sweet pea! How valuable for people to see how to make your wardrobe and money go so far and work no matter what your lifestyle needs! Xoxo

Lindsay said...

yay for bringing out your inner child! lovin' this blog proud of you!

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