Thursday, February 3, 2011

Down & Up

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Going to Work vs. Going to Party:
Fun with a LOUD Print

Dressed Down: At Work

To begin, this dress is an incredibly flattering cut for us "heavy-hipped" ladies. The cinched waist line hides the tummy pooch and compliments your toosh. I regularly purchase dresses with this waist line or wear "center" belts for this very purpose!

Today I chose to wear my basic (and vital) black flats, VERY simple silver & diamond drop earrings and a cutesy headband to play up my everyday bun.

When having lunch with my dad today he randomly states, "So you chose the blue eyeshadow today," (which was followed by laughter). I responded with, "Actually Daddy it's TEAL. You see the teal in my dress???" (He's such a great sport hehe!) The point of this story being that I did top off my creation with a fabulous teal eyeshadow to incorporate some of the fabulous colors in this pattern.

*Play down colors to stay more casual... Play up colors to formalize it!*

 Dressed Up: For a House Party

The dress is still as glorious as it was dressed down but I made some pivotal changes to this creation to flair it "up". Clearly I pony tailed my long locks (miss them!) and gave the front of my hair some height. But namely, I wore gigantic gold & teal earrings (hand-me-downs from the glorious Rhonda Shear) and my beloved combat boots. Combat Boots can be super sexy!!! (More to come on that later on...)

Instead of the teal eyeshadow that my Daddy loves so dearly, I chose a vibrant purple (to highlight my hazel eyes). I took more liberties with color in the dressier look to make this loud dress even LOUDER!

*Strive to be the standout at a Party. You WANT to be noticed!*




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